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adventure awaits

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2 Bedrooms

Suspendisse vel neque nisl. Pellentesque non massa sapien. Aenean justo dui, gravida aliquet elit pulvinar, elementum ultricies libero.

2 Bathrooms

Suspendisse vel neque nisl. Pellentesque non massa sapien. Aenean justo dui, gravida aliquet elit pulvinar, elementum ultricies libero.

1,200 sq ft.

Suspendisse vel neque nisl. Pellentesque non massa sapien. Aenean justo dui, gravida aliquet elit pulvinar, elementum ultricies libero.

100yrds to beach

Suspendisse vel neque nisl. Pellentesque non massa sapien. Aenean justo dui, gravida aliquet elit pulvinar, elementum ultricies libero.


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Erica brings more than 25 years of experience in designing, delivering and evaluating health and human services programs. A brilliant thought partner and strategic facilitator, Erica has had engagements with a variety of clients interested in bridging the gap between research, policy and practice. She can help you design your next professional learning community or targeted intervention for any population.

Coaching & Team Development with Erica Curry Van Ee, Founder and CEO of Urban Curry Consulting LLC.

"Erica and Brian could not have been more friendly and genuinely interested in helping us have a good visit."

"Thank you so much Erica and Brian for being the best Airbnb hosts we have ever had! You made us feel so comfortable and welcome and the extra special touches made it that much more amazing. You guys rock!"

"Erica and Brian are such fantastic hosts! You two were such a blessing! Thanks for everything!"

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